Here are answers to common questions regarding the CISO Initiative Summits.  If you have additional questions, please send an email to [email protected]

What is the conference?

The CISO Initiative summit offers forward-thinking cybersecurity executives an intimate setting of focused educational sessions and networking opportunities where top executives can engage with each other, discussing issues that directly impact them in their role.

Who may attend?

The CISO Initiative Summit is an executive-level conference that welcomes a broad spectrum of senior professionals focused on IT Risk Management and Security. While our name highlights CISOs, we recognize the integral role of diverse executive leadership in navigating these critical areas. Therefore, CIOs, CTOs, Chief Marketing Officers, and other IT executives responsible for Risk Management and IT Security are highly encouraged to attend. This conference delves into topics essential to security leadership and broader executive leadership skills, fostering a comprehensive approach to managing IT risk and security.

How can I be included?

Most attendees of the CISO Initiative Summit are personally invited or referred by colleagues. If you're interested in attending, we welcome you to submit a request to join. This process includes a brief phone call to discuss your goals and interests, ensuring the conference aligns with your professional needs. This personalized approach helps maintain the summit's relevance and value for all participants.

What if I am not an IT Executive or CISO yet, can I join?

Maybe, while our summit primarily targets current Executives and CISOs, we reserve a few spots for aspiring leaders on the path to becoming a CISO or CIO. This program is designed for individuals who have demonstrated significant growth and leadership in their careers and are nearing a transition to a C-level IT executive role. It offers a unique opportunity to network with seasoned executives, find potential mentors, and gain insights into the real challenges and responsibilities of the CISO role.

What is the Price for Conference Admission?

The price to attend the conference is $1500 for executives and CISOs who agree to participate on a panel or presentation.  Click here for more information on this Speaker/Exec conference pass.

For others IT professionals who are interested in attending, primarily those that are on the path to becoming a CISO or other similar IT Executive role, the price for the conference pass is $2500.  Click here for more information on this Attendee conference pass.

Are meals included?

Yes, food and beverages are provided during the conference program.  There is a Cocktail reception the evening of arrival and breakfast, lunch and dinner are provided on the day of the summit.

Is hotel included?

Yes, a two-night stay at the Luminary Hotel is included with the conference admission.  Room Incidentals are not included.  If you should like to stay longer than the 2 nights of the summit, discounted rates are available for days immediately prior to and after the summit.

Are flights or travel included?

No, attendees are fully responsible for arranging and covering their travel expenses to and from the summit, including flights, airport transfers, and parking

Are there sponsors?

Some meals and events will be sponsored.  However, in no event will the content or session agenda of the conference be sponsored or the subject thereof be Vendor specific or sales driven.

Is there a dress code?

Dress is business casual.

What happens if the event is canceled?

If The CISO Initiative cancels the summit for any reason, attendees will be refunded in full, in line with our terms and conditions.

What is the refund policy for participant cancellation?

Participants canceling more than 45 days before the event will receive a full refund. Cancellations between 45 to 30 days prior will result in a 50% refund. Unfortunately, cancellations made less than 30 days before the event cannot be refunded.

Will there be an option for virtual participation?

The CISO Initiative Summit is designed for in-person engagement and networking; as such, there will not be an option for virtual participation.

Can you describe the networking opportunities?

The summit begins with a cocktail social, providing an excellent opportunity for attendees to connect. Networking continues throughout the event during meals, breaks, and concludes with a special dinner event. The CISO Initiative also offers personalized introductions to enhance your networking experience.